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Laboratory Facilities

The Cal Poly Electrical Engineering (EE) department proudly differentiates itself from other EE degree granting institutions by the laboratory experience and facilities we provide. The EE department directly supports Cal Poly’s “Learn by Doing” motto by making the laboratory experience a hallmark of the EE curriculum. The department prides itself on both the quantity and quality of required and elective design laboratories. As a result of this hands-on emphasis, high-technology employers understand that Cal Poly EE graduates "hit the ground running" upon entering the workforce.

The Electrical Engineering Department has 35,000 square feet of well-equipped laboratory space dedicated to our undergraduate and graduate teaching mission. No other University in California or the western region can match the quality and quantity of our teaching laboratory offerings and equipment. The listing below gives a quick summary of our laboratory facilities.

Electrical Engineering Laboratories
Laboratory location
Keysight Technologies Advanced Communications Systems Lab 20-113
Antenna Anechoic Chamber Lab 04-113
Computer Engineering Research 20-114
IEEE Collaboration Laboratory 20-115
Research Lab 20-146
20-147 20-147
20-148 20-148
20-149 20-149
Capstone Lab 20-145
Computational Intelligence Lab 20-144
Computer Design Lab 20-136
Controls Lab 20-112
Digital Signal/Image Processing/Freshman Projects 20-126
Digital Systems Design Lab 20-100
EE Student Project Lab 20-111
EE Helpdesk and Technical Support Lab 20-106
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Chamber Lab 04-112
Embedded Systems Lab 20-132
Energy Conversion Lab 20-102
General Project Room 2 20-118
Graduate Lab 20-121
Multidisciplinary Projects Lab 20-131
Photonics Lab 20-134/135
Polymer Electronics Lab 20-105
Power Electronics Lab 20-104
Power Senior Project Lab/Remote Tech Group/Electric Power Institute 20-101
Research/Projects/ElectroChemical Engineering Lab 20-130
RF Microwave Lab 20-116
Sustainable Energy Lab 20-150
The Big "E" Building 20
W6BHZ Station Building 20, near Maker-Space
EE Courtyard Courtyard area
Outdoor Maker Space Outdoor area


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