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Professional Engineering Licensing

After graduation, Electrical Engineers should pursue licensing as a Professional Engineer in the State of California.    Details of the licensing process are found at    The Electrical Engineering Department at Cal Poly encourages all of its graduates to obtain Licensing as a Professional Engineer.  

Step 1; Take and Pass your FE examination

In your third year at Cal Poly you should take the "Fundamentals of Engineering Examination"   This is a 6 hour test that tests your cumulative knowledge for the first three years of the Electrical Engineering Curriculum.  Once you register with the state of California you will have the title "Engineer in Training"

Step 2: Take and Pass your PE examination

In your fourth year at Cal Poly you should study and take the Professional Engineering Licensing test.    This test is more comprehensive and tests your detailed knowledge in one of the following sub-disciplines of Electrical Engineering;

a. Electronics, Communications and Control Professional Engineering Examination Option

b. Computer Systems Examination Option

c. Electric Power Systems Examination Option.

Step 3: Work Experience

Record your work experience in any Electrical Engineering discipline by filing out supervisor summary statements with the State of California.  Work experience can also include advanced degrees as an MS or Ph.D. degree.

Step 4: Professional Engineer Registration

Register as a Professional Engineer with the State of California and other states.

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