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Industrial Advisory Board

The Cal Poly Electrical Engineering Industrial Advisory Board (EE-IAB) was formed in 1995.  The EE-IAB has the mission of being advocates for the department.   IAB members can provide advocation in many ways:

a. Provide feedback on our curriculum to keep it current with industry trends.

b. Support our Electrical Engineering students by providing co-curricular educational activities.   Examples include practice with interviewing and resume writing feedback.  Other examples include hands-on laboratory seminars with the latest equipment and development boards.

c. Interact with our ABET accreditation process.

d. Provide financial support to the department and its students.

e.  Provide project and research opportunities for faculty and students.

f. Provide a conduit to Alumni activities to create a cohesive bond with our Alumni.


If you are interested in joining our Industrial Advisory Board please contact the EE department chair.   There is no need to be an Alumni of Cal Poly.  The main pre-requisite is that you would be excited to be an advocate to our organization.

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