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IT Helpdesk & Equipment Technicians

What do We Do Here?

The Electrical Engineering department's IT Helpdesk and Equipment Technician areas, in conjunction with other college support personnel, helps provide support for all laboratories offered by the College of Engineering. One full-time computer technician, and a number of trained student assistants are housed in Building 20. This support area also operates several Linux & Windows servers, which provide software application support, web services, and system management services to the EE department. 3D printing services are also provided to EE & CPE faculty and students. Lab equipment and access to certain labs for projects is also granted to authorized students. 

Our Team


Chuck Bland



Equipment Technician (Volunteer)




Item Checkout Request

For any EE or CPE department equipment checkout requests, please email which will automatically create a ticket for the request.

Contact Us


Phone: 805-756-7000

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