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Electric Circuits and Electronics Laboratories

Locations: 20-148
Coordinator: Jaime Carmo
Facilitates the following example courses: EE 241, EE 242, EE 248, EE 251, EE 247, EE 347, EE 348, EE 349, EE 361, EE 413



This is one of our highest usage introductory laboratories. This lab has 9 stations, and each station includes one oscilloscope, two function generators, two bench digital multimeters, one handheld multimeter, two programmable power supplies, a source meter, a digital bridge, and a system control computer. This lab is also equipped with a rack of test leads that are required for lab activities. Its overall needs are versatility and generality, in view of the many basic courses it needs to serve. In EE 413, students design automated test subsystems and systems using a PC and GPIB laboratory instruments. They learn how to program a PC to act as a GPIB controller, to design, build, and test various subassemblies to augment the instruments, and to acquire and process data. For the easy illustration of material, a digital projector and screen are also available for students and faculty to use.

Current State of the Laboratory

Early donations came from Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Corporations these four lab rooms have recently been completely updated to include the most recent Keysight Techologies Oscilloscopes.  Recently the department has purchased, power supplies, capacitor and resistor decade boxes, and function generators from Alumni-suppled funds. LabVIEW is also available in these labs, and is being used with GPIB-based equipment to automate data acquisition in some experiments. There are soldering stations in each room.   

Equipment Needs

There are many ways we could improve this laboratory with Alumni, Friend, and Corporate sponsorship:

  • High Frequency sources (hundreds of MHz bandwidth)
  • Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers with high current sensitivity
  • Spectrum Analyzers with built-in tracking generators

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