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Supporting the EE Department

Thank you for your interest in the Electrical Engineering Department. If you would like to contribute to the mission of the department - to "educate students toward excellence in the discipline of Electrical Engineering and to teach them to apply their knowledge in solving practical problems in a socially responsible way," - please consider contributing to one of the funds listed below by visiting our online giving site.

Areas of Giving

  • EE Student Project Fund: This fund provides support for student projects (Senior Projects and Master Theses). The purpose of this fund is to directly aid costs incurred for constructing senior projects or master's theses projects. This fund currently provides $200 per student project support, with a goal of up to $400 per student. We currently rely on a mix of corporate sponsorships and Alumni donations to provide this aid for student projects. 
  • EE Discretionary Account: The purpose of this fund is to enable our "Learn by Doing" activities within the EE Department. This fund is the lifeblood of the EE department, as it offers flexible funds beyond what is provided for by the state. Recent purchases include upgrades of the computers in our laboratories.  
  • EE Lab Renovation Account: Provides funding lab upgrades. The purpose of this fund is to support upgrades to lab equipment in order for the "Learn by Doing" instruction to remain current with industry standards. Two current initiatives are highlighted below. We recently had an Alumni provide funding for comfortable lab chairs for all of our laboratories (Our students' tired backs really thank you).  

Calls for Industry Partnership


Cal Poly Electrical Electrical Engineering has a long continuous history for education of students in the electric power systems area.  Key current facilities include the Energy Conversion Laboratory 20-102, the Power Electronics Laboratory 20-104, the Renewable Energy Systems Lab 20-150, and the Power Systems Projects Laboratory 20-101. The EE department is in the process of augmenting these laboratory facilities for teaching and research purposes. Key initiatives include:

a.  Easily Configurable Microgrid Energy System with generation, energy storage, and extensive metering as part of building 20.

b.  Advanced Electric Machines Equipment.

c.  Real Time Digital Simulator to complement our Electric Power Systems CAD tools. 

d.  Cyber Security Teaching and Research Network focusing on Smart Energy Systems.

e.  Projects Laboratory focused on Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Electric Vehicles, and "Internet of Things"- enabled Efficient Homes.

Electrical Engineering needs your help in the build out these new initiatives and laboratories! Please contact Professor Taufik, Director or the Electric Power Institute, or Department Chair Dennis Derickson.

Giving Online

Our secure portal provides a convenient way to give online.

Contact us for Further Information

Office Location: 20-200
Phone: 805-756-2781
EE Front Office Email:
Fax: 805-756-1458
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

Mailing Address
EE Department
Cal Poly State University
1 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA  93407-0355


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