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EE Helpdesk and Technical Support Lab

Location: 20-106
Coordinator: Jaime Carmo, Robert Randle



The Electrical Engineering Department Technical Support Laboratory provides support for all laboratories offered by the EE Department, including both EE and CPE Programs. Two full-time electronic and computer technicians and a variable number of trained student assistants work in this facility, and in all supported instructional laboratories. The facility also houses several Linux and Microsoft Exchange servers, which provide the software application support, web services, and system management services for all faculty and laboratories in the Department.

Current Equipment

Laboratory Equipment (support all labs)

The lab is fully equipped for servicing all instrumentation and supporting all software in all instructional laboratories housed in the EE Department.

Support Hours

The Helpdesk currently offers technical support to faculty, staff, and students on Monday-Friday from 9AM-5PM.



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