Location: 20-116
Coordinator: Dean Arakaki
Facilitates: EE 375, EE 445, EE 455, EE 456, EE 480, EE 502, EE 541, EE475, EE504

The RF Microwave Laboratory services the required EE 375 (Signal Transmission Laboratory), as well as EE 445 (RF Amplifiers), EE 455 (Analog Filters), EE 456 (Digital Communications), and EE 480 (Wireless Communications) senior EE technical elective laboratory courses. The Microwave Lab also provides equipment for project students to construct and characterize analog, RF and microwave-related design projects.
The laboratory contains 10 vector network analyzers, signal generators to 20 GHz, Spectrum Analyzers, Impedance Analyzers, GHz bandwidth oscilloscopes along with standard items including function generators, power supplies and digital multi-meters. Our drawers contain many RF/microwave components used in projects.
Of special note is our EE 541 radar systems laboratory where students build a fully functional radar system each year (both hardware and software).
An operational amateur radio station is housed in this lab that covers HF, VHF, UHF, and microwave bands. Antennas include a wide choice of dipoles, broadband discone antennas, and a full satellite downlink and uplink station.
This lab also is equipped with an anechoic chamber and an EMC screen room. The equipment in this lab is companion to the Advanced Communication Systems Lab across the hallway in 20-113.