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Undergraduate Program

The path to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering is described in documentation provided to all Electrical Engineering students. These documents will enable Electrical Engineering students to monitor their progress towards the final degree. These five documents include EE Curriculum, the EE Flowchart, the Approved EE Technical Electives, the Approved EE Engineering Support courses, the EE Annual course offerings.

The key documents for both Electrical Engineering students and the Electrical Engineering administrative members are the EE Annual Course Offerings and the EE Flowchart. The course offering by the Electrical Engineering department are based primarily on agreement that students are following the normal flow presented in the EE Flowchart. Although the Electrical Engineering department is dedicated to providing courses to meet student’s needs, the Electrical Engineering department places the strongest emphasis on providing courses in the quarters they appear on the EE flowchart.

BSEE Degree

Here are some resources for current and prospective students interested in a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.

For Flowcharts and Curriculum Sheets for academic years 2011 and before, please see The Office of the Registrar's website.

This set of documents outlines a list of Courses and Electives that are available to Electrical Engineering Students


Here is the catalog for any other information.  

Planning your Technical Technical Elective and Support Electives:

One can achieve various specializations within Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering disciplines.   With 9 Engineering Support Elective units and 12 Engineering Technical Elective units, a student has an opportunity to do some level of specialization in the vast sub-disciplines available to EEs.    Transfer students or Students with a lot of high school AP credits often have the ability to take more electives to round out their education.   Then there is the option of staying for graduate school to spend more time in a particular discipline or to round-out ones general knowledge..

The following documents show how you can choose your Electives to customize your Electrical Engineering into Example specialization areas.  You are welcome to customize your electives as desired, but these document can help you with planning.






The Senior Project:  

Each student will have a culminating design experience during the 4th year of the undergraduate curriculum.    There are several options to completing the senior project.   

a. The Electrical Engineering senior project.  The EE Senior project handbook outlines this program in considerable detail.

b. Multidisciplinary Senior Project.    All EE students have the option of joining the college-wide multi-disciplinary senior project program.  The course numbers are ENGR463, ENGR 464 and ENGR 465.

c. Entrepreneurial Senior Project.  In 2017 the college of engineering and college of business have formed a joint Entrepreneurial senior project where student serious about forming new ventures can gather.

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