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Energy Conversion Lab

Location: 20-102
Coordinator: Ali Shaban
Facilitates: EE 365, EE 417, EE 444



20-102 is headquarters for our Electric Power Systems Undergraduate Teaching activities.    This is a really impressive facility.   When you walk in the door, you will first notice the large patch panel that brings in AC power from PG+E at a range of voltages including single and 3 phase formats.   You will also see 8 well equipped benches ready to teach you about the exciting field of Electric Power Systems.  Our department strategic plan indicates this field of study has huge employment opportunites as we move away from fossil fuels and move toward renewable energy resources.    20-102 is interconnected to our 4 other Electric Power System laboratories (20-101, 20-104, 20-150 and the outdoor power system lab) with a building low voltage distribution system.

Room 20-102 is equipped with AC (240V, 208V, 120V) three- and single-phase voltages and a motor-generator set that produces DC (120V , 240V) voltages. These voltage sources are distributed to eight benches. Each bench is equipped with three-phase digital power meter, six 35Ω resistors, and a three-phase variac. Each bench comes with three single-phase transformers, three-phase induction motor, single-phase induction motor, three-phase synchronous motor/generator, and a DC motor.

Room 20-102 services a sophomore lab for majors and non-majors (EE 295), and two senior labs for power majors (EE 417 and EE 444).

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