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Taufik's Invited Keynote Speeches, Tutorials, and Presentations

  1. Keynote Speaker, "Hybrid AC/DC House for Future Net Zero Energy Home", 3rd Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Semarang, Indonesia, January 2025.
  2. Guest Speaker/Lecture, "Multiphase Buck Converter", International Visiting Professor Program, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia, November 2024. Click here for the recorder YouTube video of the lecture. 
  3. Keynote Speaker, International Conference Interdisciplinary Physics Applications, Indonesia, September 2024.
  4. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Sustainable Semiconductor Manufacturing, Surabaya. August 2024 (USAID sponsored participation),
  5. Keynote Speaker, 13th International Physics Seminar, Indonesia, June 2024.
  6. Guest Speaker, "The Renaissance of DC Electricity: Challenges and Opportunities", Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto, Indonesia, June 2024.
  7. Guest Speaker, "Hybrid AC/DC House: Paving a Pathway for Future Sustainable Homes", Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia, June 2024.
  8. Guest Speaker, "Industrial Implementations of Power Electronics", Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia, May 2024.
  9. Guest Speaker, "Hybrid AC/DC House: Paving a Pathway for Future Sustainable Homes", Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, May 2024.
  10. Guest Speaker, "Hybrid AC/DC House: Paving a Pathway for Future Sustainable Homes", University of Tun Hussein On, Malaysia, May 2024.
  11. Guest Speaker, "Hybrid AC/DC House: Paving a Pathway for Future Sustainable Homes", University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, May 2024.
  12. Keynote Speaker, 1st International Conference on Engineering Science, Innovation Technology, and Sustainability, October 2023.
  13. Keynote Speaker, 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education, October 2023.
  14. Guest Speaker, Tech Talk on Harmonics in Power Systems, San Diego Gas & Electric, August 2023.
  15. Keynote Speaker, The Third International Conference on Physics Issues, June 2023.
  16. Keynote Speaker, Third Colloquium on Power and Clean Energy, IEEE Power Electronics Society & Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines Inc., February 2023.
  17. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Sustainable Engineering, Infrastructure, and Development, ICO-SEID 2022, November 23-24, 2022.
  18. Guest Speaker, "The Renaissance of DC Electricity: Challenges and Opportunities", Universitas Pertahanan, November 16, 2022.
  19. Keynote Speaker, 12th International Conference on Green Technology, ICGT-12,
    October 26-27, 2022.
  20. Keynote Speaker, 1st International Conference on Advanced Transportation, Engineering and Applied Science, ICATEAS, October 20, 2022.
  21. Keynote Speaker, 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation Research, ICETIR, October 11, 2022.
  22. Keynote Speaker, The 1st Mandalika International Multi Conference on Science and Engineering, MIMSE 2022, September 14-15, 2022.
  23. Keynote Speaker, The 7th International Engineering Student Conference, "Promoting a resilient post-pandemic recovery through green technology and circular economy", July 2022.
  24. Keynote Speaker, 7th International Engineering Student Conference, July 6-7, 2022.
  25. Keynote Speaker, National Physics Seminar, "Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery", State University of Jakarta, June 25, 2022.
  26. Keynote Speaker, International Virtual Course from Economic Development Program, May 24, 2022.
  27. Guest Speaker, Global Citizenship Webinar Series, "Enhancing Inclusive Education Through Sustainable Technology", Hosted by University of Perpetual Help Molino Campus, Philippines, April 8, 2022.
  28. Guest Speaker, "Cultivating Creativities to Promote Inventions", Hosted by Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia, March 16, 2022. 
  29. Keynote Speaker, National Seminar on Minerals and Energy Technologies, PEM Akamigas, Indonesia, November 5, 2021.
  30. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "Power Electronics - DC-DC Converter Design Workshop #4", October 2021.
  31. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "Power Electronics - DC-DC Converter Design Workshop #3", October 2021.
  32. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "Power Electronics - DC-DC Converter Design Workshop #2", October 2021.
  33. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "Power Electronics - DC-DC Converter Design Workshop #1", October 2021.
  34. Keynote Speaker, The 7th International Conference On Electrical, Electronics And Information Engineering, October 2021.
  35. Keynote Speaker, IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion, October 25-26, 2021. 
  36. Guest Speaker, College of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang, October 1, 2021.
  37. Keynote Speaker, The First ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment, "ASEAN Energy Transition with Resiliency in the Post-Pandemic Climate Change Era", Brunei Darussalam, September 15, 2021.
  38. Guest Speaker, Unversitas Islam Negeri Malang, September 2021.
  39. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "International Accreditation", September 2021.
  40. Guest Speaker, World Class Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, "Laboratory Development and Management", September 2021.
  41. Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, September 29-30, 2021.
  42. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Technology, Informatics, and Engineering, July 2021.
  43. Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, July 26, 2021.
  44. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Technology Information, July 2021.
  45. Panelist, University of Indonesia Research Month, Enhancing Research Experience, "Establishing Academic Partnership with US Universities: Opportunities and Challenges", April 24, 2021.
  46. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity for Future Homes and DC Grid with Distributed Renewable Energy Sources", Diaspora Scientist Visitation Webinar, Universitas Indonesia, December 2020.
  47. Keynote Speaker, The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application, November 2020.
  48. Keynote Speaker, Indonesia Science Expo, November 2020.
  49. Guest Speaker, Focus Group Discussion on Industry Partnerships, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, November 2020.
  50. Guest Speaker, "DC House Technology for Rural Electrification", Studium Generale at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia, November 2020.
  51. Guest Speaker, "Study and Scholarship Opportunities in American Campuses", Online Talk Show, IEEE Student Branch at Universitas Brawijaya, November 2020.
  52. Guest Speaker, "Capstone Design in Electrical Engineering", 3 in 1 Visiting Professor Program, Universitas Brawijaya, November 2020.
  53. Guest Speaker, "DC House as Future Residential Electrical System", International Webinar, Universitas Palangkaraya, November 2020.
  54. Guest Lecture, "The Renaissance of DC Electricity: Technology of the Past, Present and Future", Politeknik Negeri Malang, November 2020.
  55. Guest Speaker, "DC-DC Converter Topologies and Design", Online Colloquium, Universitas Brawijaya, November 2020.
  56. Guest Speaker, "Cultivating Creativities to Promote Inventions", People to People Relationaship, Virtual Public Lecture Series in Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, October 2020
  57. Guest Speaker, "The Renaissance of DC Electricity: Technology of the Past, Present and Future", Studium Generale, Universitas Diponegoro, October 2020.
  58. Guest Speaker, Youth Collaboration on the Technology Innovation for Society 5.0 Era, International Diponegoro Annual Summit 5.0, Universitas Diponegoro, October 2020.
  59. Guest Speaker, Kebermanfaatan Reka Cipta di Bidang Saintek dan Sosial dalam Pembangunan Desa and Kota, International Webinar, Indonesian Ministry of Education, October 2020.
  60. Guest on Tilik Bang Sem Radio Show, Tilik DC House Karya Ilmuwan Indonesia, Salam Radio, September 2020.
  61. Keynote Speaker, The 10th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS), Universitas Brawijaya, August 2020.
  62. Guest Speaker, "Learning About Renewable Energy", Teach-Talks Session 8, Indonesian Faculty Association, August 2020.
  63. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities", Distinguished Lecture Series, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, August 2020.
  64. Guest Speaker, "Capstone Design in Electrical Engineering Program", Forum Teknik Elektro Indonesia, June 2020.
  65. Guest on Radio Talk Show, "Menuju Peradaban Baru Paska Pandemi; Pemanfaatan Energi Terbarukan", Salam Radio, May 2020.
  66. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Renewable Energy, Malang, Indonesia, August 2019.
  67. Guest Speaker, "Harmonics in Power Systems", Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya, August 2019.
  68. Guest Speaker, Workshop on ABET Accreditation", Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, August 2019.
  69. Guest Speaker, "Harmonics in Power Systems", Electrical Engineering Department Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, August 2019.
  70. Guest Speaker on Technical Seminar, "Harmonics in Power Systems", PGE Diablo Canyon, October 2018.
  71. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity" and "ABET Accreditation", Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, September 2018.
  72. Presenter of Tech Talk, "Harmonics in Power Systems", Distributed Energy Resources, San Diego Gas & Electric, August 2018.
  73. Lectures on "Energy Resources" and "Renewable Energy", Universitas Pertamina, Indonesia, November 2017.
  74. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Technology and Applications, Universitas Bhayangkara, Surabaya, July 2017.
  75. Lecture, Short Course on Introduction to Magnetic Design, Politeknik Negeri Malang, July 2017.
  76. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Institut Teknologi Nasional, Malang, July 2017.
  77. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Universitas Indonesia, July 2017.
  78. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Universitas Cokroaminoto Makassar, July 2017.
  79. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Syarikat Islam, Jakarta, June 2017.
  80. Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, August 2016.
  81. Guest Speaker, "Cal Poly at a Glance", Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, August 2016.
  82. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project as an Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta, August 2016.
  83. Keynote Speaker, "Intelligent Systems in DC House for Residential Electricity", International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication Science and Technology, Semarang, August 2016.
  84. Invited Lecture, "Seminar on How to Write a Successful Paper", Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, August 2016.
  85. Keynote Speaker, "Residential Electricity the DC House Way: Progresses, Challenges, and Opportunities", the 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar, Yogyakarta, August 2016.
  86. Keynote Speaker, "Intelligent Systems in DC House for Residential Electricity", International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications, Lombok, July 2016.
  87. Guest Speaker, "Rural Electrification: The DC House Solution", Universitas Mataram Lombok, July 2016.
  88. Keynote Speaker, "The DC House Project as an Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", International Conference on Applied Electrical, Electronics, and Informatics Engineering, Pontianak, July 2016.
  89. Guest Speaker, "Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Laboratorium Sebagai Pusat Riset Terapan Yang Berkelanjutan", Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, July 2015
  90. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia, July 2015.
  91. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Institut Teknologi Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2015.
  92. Guest Speaker, "A Discussion of Potential Collaboration Between Cal Poly and PENS", Politeknik Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2015.
  93. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Bhayangkara, Indonesia, July 2015.
  94. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Islam 45, Indonesia, June 2015.
  95. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Negeri Jember, Indonesia, June 2015.
  96. Guest Speaker, "Toward an ABET Accredited Electrical Engineering Curriculum", Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, April 2015.
  97. Guest Speaker, "Cal Poly at a Glance" and "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia, April 2015.
  98. Guest Speaker, "A Discussion on Engineering Curriculum, Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama)", Jakarta, Indonesia, April 2015.
  99. Guest Speaker, "Cal Poly at a Glance" and "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Borneo Tarakan, Indonesia, April 2015.
  100. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia, April 2015.
  101. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, April 2015.
  102. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, April 2015.
  103. Guest Speaker, "Writing for Publication in International Journals", Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia, April 2015.
  104. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia, April 2015.
  105. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Technological Institute of the Philippines, April 2015.
  106. Invited Lecture, "Design of Practical Buck Converter", Technological Institute of the Philippines, April 2015.
  107. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Technological Institute of the Philippines, April 2015.
  108. Guest Speaker, "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia, April 2015.
  109. Guest Speaker, "Cal Poly at a Glance" and "The DC House Project: An Alternate Solution to Rural Electrification", Universitas Jendral Soedirman, Indonesia, April 2015.
  110. Guest Speaker, "Powering Future Microprocessor", ST3 Telkom, Purwekerto, Indonesia, April 2015.
  111. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia, April 2015.
  112. Guest Speaker, "DC Electricity: Technology of the Past and the Future", Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, April 2015.
  113. Keynote Speaker, "Education: Perpetual Impact; A Self Reflection and Personal Stories", Cerdas Foundation Fundraising Dinner, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 2014.
  114. Panelist, "Rural electrification: The “DC House” solution", Powering up Perspectives on Indonesia’s energy future, Indonesian Summit, The Economist, Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb 2014.
  115. Guest Speaker, "Recent Status and Challenges of the DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, 2013.
  116. Guest Speaker, "Getting Scholarships for Graduate Studies in the U.S.", Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia, May 2013.
  117. Guest Speaker, "Recent Status and Challenges of the DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Surya University, Indonesia, May 2013.
  118. Guest Speaker, "Recent Status and Challenges of the DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, May 2013.
  119. Guest Speaker, "Smart House for a Smarter Grid: An Electrical Engineering Perspective", Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, May 2013.
  120. Keynote Speaker, "Recent Status and Challenges of the DC House Project for Rural Electrification", Padjadjaran International Physics Symposium, Indonesia, May 2013.
  121. Keynote Speaker, "DC House Project for Sustainable Rural Electrification", EBTKE Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, July 2012.
  122. Guest Speaker, “DC House Untuk Akses Listrik di Pedalaman dan Beasiswa Kuliah Di Amerika Serikat”, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia, July 2012.
  123. Guest Speaker, “DC House Untuk Akses Listrik di Pedalaman dan Pengalaman Studi di Amerika Serikat”, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia, July 2012.
  124. Keynote Speaker, "DC House Untuk Akses Listrik di Pedalaman", Panggung Inovasi, Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional, Aula RRI, Indonesia, July 2012.
  125. Guest Speaker, “The DC House Project: Providing Access to Electricity for the Unfortunates”, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2012.
  126. Keynote Speaker, "The DC House Project: Providing Access to Electricity for the Unfortunates”, International Conference on Sustainable Innovation, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 2012.
  127. Panelist, "The DC House Project: Providing Access to Electricity for the Unfortunates”, Renewable Energy World Conference and Expo, Long Beach, California, USA, February 2012.
  128. Keynote Speaker, “Solar Energy: Potential and Product Development for Remote Areas”, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (CITEE 2011), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 2011.
  129. Guest Speaker, “Kesempatan Beasiswa Studi Lanjut di Amerika Serikat dan Sekilas Tentang Cal Poly”, Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan, Department Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, July 2010.
  130. Guest Speaker,  “Kegiatan Riset di Cal Poly”, Physics Department, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, July 2010.
  131. Guest Speaker, “Sekilas Tentang Cal Poly dan Potensi Kerjasama Akademis Dengan Universitas Padjadjaran”, Physics Department, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, July 2010.
  132. Guest Speaker, “Sekilas Tentang Cal Poly dan Potensi Kerjasama Akademis Dengan IEU”, Indonesian European University , Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2010.
  133. Guest Speaker, “Sekilas Tentang Cal Poly dan Potensi Kerjasama Akademis Dengan Politeknik Sakti”, Polytechnic Sakti, Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2010.
  134. Guest Speaker for the Master & Doctoral Consortium at the 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia, July 2010.
  135. Keynote Speaker, “Solar Energy: Potential and Product Development for Remote Areas”, The 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia, July 2010.
  136. Guest Speaker, “Solar Energy: Potential and Product Development for Remote Areas”, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, June 2010.
  137. Guest Speaker, “Academic Exchange Program: Where To Go From Here?” Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, June 2010.
  138. Guest Speaker, “Soft-Switching in DC-DC Converters”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2010.
  139. Guest Speaker, “Solar Energy: Potential and Product Development for Remote Areas”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2010.
  140. Guest Speaker, “Solar Energy: Potential and Product Development for Remote Areas”, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2010.
  141. Guest Speaker, “Beasiswa Studi Lanjut di Amerika Serikat”, Institut Sains & Teknologi Al-Kamal, Indonesia, June 2010.
  142. Invited Lecture, “A Short Course in DC-DC Converters”, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City, December 2009.
  143. Invited Workshop, “Practical Design of Buck Converter”, A Tutorial Session at the 2008 IEEE Power Engineering Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, December 2008.
  144. Guest Speaker, “Power Program at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo”, Helix Electric, San Diego, California, USA, July 2008.
  145. Guest Speaker, “Recent Status and Results of the Multiphase Project: Paving a Path to Power Future Microprocessors”, Graduate Seminar, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, October 2007.
  146. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Wesleyan University, Cabanatuan City, Philippines, Aug 2007.
  147. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City, Aug 2007.
  148. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Manilla, Aug 2007.
  149. Guest Speaker, “Power Program at Cal Poly State University”, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai – Malaysia, July 2007.
  150. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai – Malaysia, July 2007.
  151. Invited Lecture, “Learning Theory – Training For Trainers”, PT. Delta Metro, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2007.
  152. Guest Speaker, “Adjustable Speed Drives: Impacts on Power Quality”, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia, July 2007.
  153. Invited Workshop, One-Day Workshop on “Practical DC-DC Converter Design”, IEEE Power Electronics Chapter of Malaysia Section, July 2007.
  154. Invited Workshop, Two-Day Workshop on “DC-DC Converter Design and Simulation Using MathCAD and OrCAD Pspice”, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  155. Invited Workshop, Two-Day Workshop on “DC-DC Converter Design and Simulation Using MathCAD and OrCAD Pspice”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  156. Guest Speaker, “Electrical Engineering Curriculum at Cal Poly”, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  157. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  158. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  159. Guest Speaker, “Higher Education System in U.S.A.”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  160. Guest Speaker, “Recent Status of Wind Energy in the U.S.”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, June 2007.
  161. Guest Speaker, “Higher Education System in U.S.A.”, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK), Bandung, Indonesia, June 2007.
  162. Invited Lecture, "A Short Course on “DC-DC Converter Topologies and Design”, Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA, May 2007.
  163. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, PEITRCC (, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, March 2007.
  164. Guest Speaker, “A Simple DC Motor Experiment”, Saint Joseph High School, Santa Maria, California, USA, February 2007.
  165. Panelist, “A Conversation with Distinguished Advisors”, The Center for Teaching and Learning, Cal Poly, California, USA, January 19, 2007.
  166. Guest Speaker, “Powering Future Microprocessors”, Graduate Seminar, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, November 2006
  167. Guest Speaker, “Power Program at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo”, Chevron Energy Solutions, San Francisco, California, USA, August 2006.
  168. Guest Speaker, “Power Program at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo”, ChevronTexaco, Richmond, California, USA, August 2006.
  169. Guest Speaker, “Power Program at Cal Poly”, Linear Technology, Milpitas, California, USA, August 2006.
  170. Guest Speaker, “Adjustable Speed Drives: Impact on Harmonics”, Arup Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA, June 2006.
  171. Lecture, “A Crash Course in Switching Regulators”, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, May 2006.
  172. Guest Speaker, “Electrical Power”, Arroyo Grande High School, February 2006., California, USA,
  173. Guest Speaker, “Improving Efficiency of DC-DC Converters Using Synchronous Rectification and Soft-Switching”, Qualcomm, San Diego, California, USA, February 2006.
  174. Guest Speaker, “Delivering Electrical Power”, San Luis Obispo High School, California, USA, February 2006.
  175. Guest Speaker, “Electrical Power”, Saint Joseph High School, Santa Maria, January 2006, California, USA,2006.
  176. Guest Speaker, “Providing Power For Digital Society: A Summary and Recommendations”, San Diego, California, USA, August 2005.
  177. Invited Lecture, “Power Electronics: Basic Circuits and Applications”, San Diego Gas and Electric, San Diego, California, USA, August 2005.
  178. Invited Lecture, “Power Electronics: Basic Circuits and Applications”, San Diego Gas and Electric, San Diego, California, USA, July 2005.
  179. Guest Speaker, “Cal Poly’s Power Program: An Overview”, General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA, July 2005.
  180. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, PEITRCC (, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, March 2005.
  181. Guest Speaker, “Renewable Energy Sources”, Saint Joseph High School, Santa Maria, California, USA, February 2005.
  182. Guest Speaker, “Zero Current Switching Resonant Switch Converters”, IEEE Central Coast Section, Goleta, California, USA, October 2004.
  183. Guest Speaker, “Efficiency Improvement for Low Voltage DC-DC Converter Using Synchronous Rectification”, NUEST Cabanatuan, Philippines, August 2004.
  184. Guest Speaker, “Role of Power Electronics in Power Transmission and Distribution”, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2004.
  185. Guest Speaker, “Switching Mode DC-DC Converters: Circuits and Design Considerations”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, July 2004.
  186. Guest Speaker, “Getting Scholarships in the US”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, July 2004.
  187. Guest Speaker, “Efficiency Improvement for Low Voltage DC-DC Converter Using Synchronous Rectification”, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2004.
  188. Lecture, “Technical Training on Power Electronics for Engineers”, April – June 2004, Los Osos, California, USA.
  189. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Cal Poly, California, USA, April 2004
  190. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Cal Poly, California, USA, October, 2003
  191. Lecture, “Technical Training on Power Electronics for Technicians”, April – June 2003, Los Osos, California, USA.
  192. Guest Speaker, “Resonant Converter Design Improves Efficiency of Switching Power Supply", University of Wisconsin Plateville, Wisconsin, USA, April 2003.
  193. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Cal Poly, California, USA, April 2003
  194. Guest Speaker, “Cal Poly Power Electronics Emphasis: An Overview”, IEEE Power Electronics Society – LA Chapter Meeting, California, USA, November 2002.
  195. Guest Speaker, “Improving DC-DC Converter Efficiency Using Synchronous Rectification”, Graduate Seminar, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, Nov 2002.
  196. EIT Review Session on Electrical Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Cal Poly, California, USA, October 2002
  197. Workshop, “PG&E Workshop on Power System and Power Electronics”, Electric Power Institute, California, USA, September 2002
  198. Guest Speaker, “Synchronous Rectification”, Graduate Seminar, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, March 2002.
  199. Guest Speaker, "Soft-switching Method in Power Converters", University of Muhammadiyah, Malang, Indonesia, July 2000
  200. Keynote Speaker, "Resonant Power Converters: An Overview ", IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Electric Machines, Indonesia, July 2000.
  201. Guest Speaker, “Paralleled Series Loaded Resonant Converter”, Graduate Seminar, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, March 2000.

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