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Taufik's Courses


Courses taught at Cal Poly State University
First Year Courses EE 111: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
EE 151: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Second Year Courses EE 201: Electric Circuit Theory (for non EE)
EE 241: Electric Circuit Analysis II Laboratory
EE 212: Electric Circuit Analysis III
EE 242: Electric Circuit Analysis III Laboratory
EE 251: Electric Circuits Lab (for non EE)
EE 255: Energy Conversion Electromagnetics
EE 295: Energy Conversion Electromagnetics Laboratory
Third Year Courses EE 302: Classical Control Systems
EE 342: Classical Control Systems Laboratory
EE 346: Semiconductor Device Electronics Laboratory
EE 353: Signal Transmission Laboratory
Fourth Year and Technical Electives EE 400: Special Problems for Advanced Undergraduates
EE 406: Power Systems Analysis I
EE 407: Power Systems Analysis II
EE 410: Power Electronics I
EE 410 Lab: Power Electronics I Laboratory
EE 411: Power Electronics II
EE 411 Lab: Power Electronics II Laboratory
EE 433: Introduction to Magnetic Design

EE 433 Lab: Introduction to Magnetic Design Lab

EE 435: Industrial Power Control and Automation
EE 444: Power System Laboratory
EE 463: Senior Project Design I
EE 464: Senior Project Design II
Graduate Level Courses EE 500: Individual Study
EE 527: Advanced Topics in Power Electronics
EE 563: Graduate Seminar
EE 599: Master's Thesis


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